Find and purchase top-of-the-line 1977.5-1979 Ford NP205 shaft shims, plugs and other small parts. When it comes to keeping your truck reliable and in the best condition for demanding jobs, you must stay up-to-date with regular maintenance. That means tackling the smallest repairs that require help from NP205 shims or other tiny components. Don't risk putting yourself in a situation with an expensive repair. Browse our selection of NP205 plugs or NP205 idler shims and order now!
Often the difference between a poor rebuild and a good one comes down to this question: Did you replace all the small parts or not? We stock the NP205 idler shaft shims plus just about every other small part that is still available for the NP205. From NP205 case plugs to thrust washers we have the small parts that your transfer case needs.
Nuts: All the shaft nuts on NP205 transfer cases are prevailing torque lock nuts. As a rule, these types of nuts lose a percentage of their locking ability every time they are reused. For maximum yoke retention, always replace your shaft nuts when rebuilding your transfer case or performing yoke or seal service. NP205 yokes are an easy slip fit on the shaft splines so it is not uncommon to find a yoke that has worn into the washer. If your flat washer or flange nut shows ANY evidence of wear from the yoke splines, REPLACE IT!
Thrust Washers: One of the most common parts to find worn out in an NP205 is the thin, tanged low gear thrust washer. The original part was made from a soft material similar to engine main bearings. Quite often, the bent over tang will be broken and/or the low gear rollers will have worn a groove in the face. Replacement tanged thrust washers are stamped steel. The clover-leaf shaped high gear thrust washer gets clamped between the front output bearing and front yoke, so it rarely needs replacement unless the yoke is loose.